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Historical Background
Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano is a reliable, highly specialized, comprehensive, modern and cutting edge technology facility specializing in visual health. Founded in 1989 by Dr. Luis Antonio Ruiz M. its scientific director and world renowned for his abilities and contributions to ophthalmologic science. During his 31 years as a specialist in Ophthalmology he has made significant contributions to the development of the technical and technological evolution of numerous diagnostic and surgical procedures.
This dedication and leadership has contributed to the continuous upmost quality service provided to Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano's patients and is performed by its highly qualified team of professionals, technicians, administrators and ophthalmologists, who have at their disposal the top and most complete technology available worldwide for diagnosis, procedures and visual health monitoring.
We are authorized by the District Department of Health in Corneal Transplant Service, Anesthesia, Ophthalmology Surgery, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Pharmacy and Sterilization.
Mission The Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano´s mission is to offer its patients and clients absolute satisfaction of their visual health needs and expectations through comprehensive services in the field of eye care, excellent quality, effectiveness and continuing scientific and technological development to achieve a culture of education, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and optimal visual control.
Vision For the year 2012 our vision is to be recognized nationally and internationally as the ophthalmology center with the highest degree of scientific and technological innovation, having optimal standards of service quality that meet and exceed the needs of our patients and clients, becoming an organization that generates progress, economic growth and leads in the industry of eye care.
Quality Policies Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano is committed to satisfy their patients and customers by offering quality services, reliability, timeliness and safety, counting with the support of qualified personnel and appropriate technology to generate continuous improvement in all processes.
Quality Policies Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano is committed to satisfy their patients and customers by offering quality services, reliability, timeliness and safety, counting with the support of qualified personnel and appropriate technology to generate continuous improvement in all processes. |